Friday, February 22, 2008

Friday TidBits:

Movies: "Vantage Point" is getting not-so-good reviews, which upsets me.  "Charlie Bartlet" is getting good reviews, so I'll be seeing that.  If you've seen all the Oscar films you need, (and want to avoid our LA rain), stay home and rent "Gone Baby Gone."

Idol Results: I'm fine with the 4 that got the boot.  We gotta get rid of the lower tier to get to our top 12 somehow.  I think Colton is a better vocalist than a couple who remain, but he wouldn't have lasted much longer.

Interestingly enough, Paula Abdul chimed in on her choices.  Her 3 guys are my choices. "You can't deny David Archuletta, Jason Castro and Michael Johns and Alaina and Sayesha and Ramiele and Carly... I could go on and on."

Best Picture:  The race is between No Country and There Will Be Blood.  I loved them both equally but I feel Country will take it (as will the Cohens for Directing).  My problem lies i the remaining noms: Atonement, Michael Clayton and Juno.  I would have like to have seen any of these there instead:  Sweeny Todd, Gone Baby Gone, American Gangster and Superbad.  Yes, Superbad.  I don't think Clayton and Atonement deserved the nod.  I think the Seniors liked Clayton and the period-piece-pushers checked Atonement.  While I loved Juno, it lucked out with the Miss Sunshine factor.  Juno is totally enjoyable but it's no Sunshine.  And I feel if they wanted a feel-good, true-life comedy, Superbad (now on DVD) is the better choice.  But some of its raunch-factor turned off voters.  At it's core, it's a wonderful coming-of-age love story between two guy friends.

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