Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I know, I know!

It's been over a month since I've bogged. So kill me! I just got to the point where I realized that when I'd speak to my friends and they ask me for my entertainment insights, I'd respond, "Clearly you're not reading my blog." And they weren't. Well, most weren't. For the three of you who are, thank you. It just became either too time consuming or I was unmoved to really hype or slam anything.

So, I'll fill you in on a few things: I went to New York a few weeks ago and saw NO SHOW! Do you believe it? I should be stripped of my gay stripes. I did manage to drink a lot though... so much so that I of course caught a cold upon my return and was then sober for 12 days! Stop the applause, please! It was scary to think that was the longest I'd been dry in years. Truly, years. Well, I dopped 4 pounds by being dry! Alas, I was cured and ready to be pickled for LA Gay Pride this past Sunday. Yeah me!

Hot Summer Jams: NE-YO/Closer; JEN HUD/Spotlight & Dressed In Love; NATASHA BEDDINGFIELD/Happy; MAROON 5+RIHANNA/If I Never See Your Face Again; DONNA SUMMER/Stamp Your Feet; CYNDI LAUPER/Same Ol Story & Set Your Heart. These are getting me through my cardio lately, along with RIHANNA/Take A Bow and JESSE McCARTNEY/Leavin' - the remixes.

SEX & THE CITY: What more do you want? It was 2:20 of simply seeing the characters you've loved. What did you expect, since they were on the big screen the Cloverfield monster would attack them?

INDIANA JONES: I saw this on week three with no hype, no expectations. And I really had fun. It's my Harry Potter theory: I love them when they come out, I have fun in the theatre, it was totally worth my entertainment dollar, and then give it no further thought.

SUMMER TV: "Legally Blonde - The Search for Elle Woods" could be gayer than Project Runway. Therefore, I'm hooked. Coming up: Kathy Griffin and Flipping Out on Bravo. And this will be my first (their 6th) year of Nashville Star. Better be worth it!

TONY AWARDS: This Sunday! As previously mentioned, I've seen nothing so I think I'll be more excited than ever to see the performances. Hello? Patti LuPone in Gypsy! That'll be a DVR-Saver. I could shoot my foot for not going!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Castro's Dreaded Goodbye...

BOO! Well, Castro was cut. I still feel in my gut, he'll be the biggest selling act from this season. I don't know why, but if he goes a Rob Thomas/John Mayer route and NOT a Jack Johnson/Dave Matthews route, he'll be the biggest loser - like Daughtry! Now, let me explain my statements of Seyesha not being a superstar. It's just that she, along with Carly, were just missing an IT Factor, a lil' sparkle. I knew the first time I saw Daughtry on Idol he was a Star - a Rock Star who would not win Idol, but if given the chance can be HUGE. I feel that in Brooke and Castro this season. There's just something there - there seems to be artistry there. I think Cook is good - damn good. But he's so much like Daughtry, it'll be really dicey to deliver a better CD. And you know I love Baby D, but it's gonna be tough to mass-market him and NOT make him Josh Groban (whom I also love). But Groban's fans are not the 12-18 year old girls dialing for Archuletta. So it's quite a quandary for a label to decide what type of record he should make. If the pop Backstreet Boys sound were still around, it'd be simple. But young male artists now (like Chris Brown) are in R&B where singing sophisticated lyrics are acceptable, I don't know if hearing Baby D, 17, singing adult-leaning lyrics will fly. It'll be very interesting.

Another note: Miss Alicia Keys did indeed wear braids all throughout her first album, up to the Grammy's even. But it was with her second and third albums that she broke EVEN bigger, crossing over more, selling more and booking larger venues... when she debuted her straightened hair (pic). Either way it works -- her face is gorgeous, voice is 10x better than it was when it started whether she is braided, dred-locked or Farah Fawcett'ed. She is a star - a true talent - an 'artiste' - an IT Factor as SOON as she came on the scene. Seyesha & Carly were not.

All of this IDOL talk of who will win or who is a STAR is almost becoming worthless. I mean, after season 4 has it been anything but an interesting pop-culture variety TV show?

Have you seen the Adam Sandler movie trailer for YOU DON'T MESS WITH THE ZOHAN? It looks pretty stupid, silly hilarious. Much more than the up-coming LOVE GURU with Mike Meyers. Go to adamsandler.com to watch the preview. His character's obsession with Mariah Carey t-shirts is worth it.

Is no one watching SAMANTHA WHO? It's really good. Very funny. Jean Smart needs a nomination as does Christina Applegate. Melissa McCarthy who played the best friend on Gilmore Girls is the best friend again and she is HYSTERICAL. And Barry Watson from 7th Heaven is the super-hot, straight guy you'd want your sister to marry.

The Bacon Club Chalupa Taco commercial for Taco Bell where the girl has one in her purse at a bar to lure men is pretty genius. I think I'll try it. Hell, I'd FALL for it!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Rock N Roll YAWN of Fame: It's official: my mind and the mind of EW writer Michael Slezak are basically "samesies." So, please read his post www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20007164_20171835_20198220,00.html

Right down to him mentioning his love for Baby D's black-vee with seagulls to his honest review of Seyesha, the guy is dead-on. So let me add, as I've said in the beginning, Seyesha is a really good singer. And as I always say with most of the african american girls on the show, she is that GREAT backup singer who gets a solo spotlight at a Sting concert and you think "damn, was she hot!" But alas, she's just not a superstar. If she steps into the studio to record a Beyonce/Alicia-like album (see LaToya London), it'll bomb. Is she better than Vonzelle, Latoya, Tamyra, Jen Hud, Melinda? No. Better or just as good as Paris, Lakesha, Mandissa? Maybe. Now, look back at that list of ladies. Superstars? Perhaps just one... for winning an Oscar! I'm going to offer up a controversial statement or theory here: notice how the tide turned for Seyesha once she left her 'fro behind and went for the Alicia Keys straightening? Just a theory. And don't scream "racist" because Alicia, Beyonce, Halle, Oprah, Whitney - ALL straighten their hair (or wigs)! Kim Locke was on the cover of USA Today the night after she debuted her straightened hair on Idol. The cover. I do feel that the judges bashing and Castro's not-so-hot performances will still have him be in the top 3 and see Seyesha, BYE'esha. And she should immediately make a standards album (Natalie Cole) and have a life on Broadway (a great Dorothy for The Wiz). That's all I really have for Idol this week. Kinda getting yawn-like for me - especially when it's nearly predictable or has been since day one. If you note, from the first time they were down to top 12, I called Cook, Castro & Baby D in top 3 - and I might be right. We'll see tonight.

IRON MAN: Better than all the Spider Man films and right up there with the X-Men. I loved it and I love that Downey now has a whole new life, a new chapter to quite a shaky Hollywood storybook life.

MADONNA: The album sold 287,000 and enters at #1 - much less than MC. Yes they're both diva superstars, but MC appeals more to Urban radio than M does of course giving her the edge of more album sales. The choice cuts for me from Maddy: 4 Minutes, Give It To Me, Incredible, Miles Away, and Beat Goes On (w/ Kanye) -- all great for the gym.

CHER opened at Caesars in Vegas last night. Legend. Right up there with Tina Turner, nothing can keep her down (or away from the spotlight). Look for Cher & Tina on Oprah this Thursday! It'll be forever on my DVR for sure.

BROTHERS & SISTERS: I love love love it! Sally Field? Please! Anyway, the storyline of the gay couple getting engaged has me in tears the other night. Such a sap. But such a nice, real, non-homophobe, not stereotypical portrayal of a gay couple on TV. Amen!

DEXTER: Caught up on all of season one and now will watch season two on DVD this summer. So good and creepy!

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Diamond Weekend

Ever since they announced it's Neil Diamond Week coming up on the next Idol, "Sweet Caroline," cannot escape my head. Damn you, Diamond! I'm kinda hoping for a big can of Cheese Whiz in the form of David Cook rocking a modern "Love On The Rocks." And I'm assuming, Seyesha will ignore the Diamond factor and chose the Streisand duet "You Don't Bring Me Flowers." Look for rasta-dreaded Castro to take on "Red Red Wine," and Brooke to hopefully, wisely tackle a 60's or 70's Neil, not an 80's one.

BABY MAMA's getting pretty good reviews: a great one in USA Today and kind ones in NY Post and NY Times. I'll be there. Tina Fey (pic) and Amy Pohler make me laugh no matter what. Speaking of Fey, "30 Rock," last night? So many great one-liners, I was reminded that I always have to watch it twice. Of course Doctor Mike, (who doesn't watch it) commented, "It's so over-the-top!" Indeed.

HELEN HUNT directed THEN SHE FOUND ME - a lil' indy n theaters today also receiving some nice reviews. I'll be there because, I genuinely like small films and well, I'm gay, and Bette Midler's in it - and getting great notices.

It's official! Madonna's face isn't moving. Have you seen her this week? Amazing body, good skin, good facial features but her facial muscles are immovable! She takes over for Nicki Kidman, who can't Botox due to her pregnancy.

A text from Laine last night: "I just gave $100 to PBS for the Olivia Newton John Live in Australia DVD." If you know Laine, you're laughing.

So 30 ROCK, THE OFFICE, UG BETTY, GREY'S, LOST, (and SURVIVOR) all on TV last night. I only caught Rock & Office so guess what I'm doing this weekend? Saw the first 10 minutes of BETTY, and I have to say, if you're not watching this, you are missing out on the funniest, most touching, over-the-top, well-acted, well-written, entertaining comedy-soap on TV. Essentially, the best hour on TV in my book.

And thus begins my Birthday Weekend...

Thursday, April 24, 2008

As If I Never Said Goodbye

Forgive me! To all of my dozen readers, please forgive me. It's been a week and I apologize. I've been busy and have really been unmoved to write. But after looking back over my last week, I realized there are a few things to note --- along with an Idol re-cap. So, here we go...

First up: Mariah's "E=MC2" album is really damn good; just as good as "Mimi," though I don't know if I'd say "better." Here's the thing with MC, you either worship her, really like her music (and not so much her), or just can't stand. I'm between the first two. I don't worship her, but I do enjoy her sometimes borderline Paula Abdul-like nuttiness, and I love a comeback. And from what I hear, before she released "Mimi," her reps at the label and management had a major "come to Jesus" chat with her urging her to drop the heavy hip hop sounds with no melodies seen in her previous 2 flop albums and ride the line between hip hop & pop thus bringing back catchy choruses. She listened. And I love that it was so apparent as she delivered "Mimi," with numerous hit singles. So, I ask you to sample Touch My Body, Loving You Long Time, I'm That Chick, and the future inescapable #1 I Stay In Love. (Please release that one. There's an odd misstep I feel in the label issuing the current "Bye Bye," as single #2. We'll see.)

Uhm, I've heard Madonna's CD. And at risk of losing friends, I'll opt out on writing a review and will just say, she'll have a couple of nice singles from "Hard Candy," and that's all I can say without having a hitman at my door.

I saw "Forgetting Sarah Marshall." While not as good as "Knocked Up" or the genius of "Superbad," it was enjoyable, not boring, funny, entertaining and showed that the creator/star, Jason Segel, could be a future Will Farrell, Mila Kunis should be a huge movie star, and that between Kunis and Kristen Bell on the screen, there is an overload of beauty to counter-balance the the not so hotness of the male co-stars. Who knew that the short-lived NBC series "Freaks & Geeks" would begat so many millions of dollars in feature films. Rent the series on DVD. If you grew up in the 70's-80's, it's painfully real and hysterical.

The Music of the Night: Here we go... AL Webber night on Idol was a doozie right? I will continue to go on record to say, "there will be three." Three dudes left standing. Our first top 3 and our first top 2 men competing since Aiken & Studdard 5 years ago. The producers want it too; so much that they staged the David-Squared visual at the top of the show last night standing them side-by-side for the vote off. Both were safe. Shocker. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Lemme run through a recap of the performances. I find myself now watching the show not thinking who will win or who will sell records when signed, but whose recording will I buy at iTunes this week. This week I'm buying Baby D's "Think Of Me." Being a King of Adult Contemporary myself, I thought his rendition was sweet, accessible, current, and more daring than any of the soulful yet milquetoast choices he's had previously. With inspirational songs abound in Webber's "Jesus Christ" and "Joseph," I was also surprised by his "Phantom" choice. David Cook let it slip that he had theatre experience in his clip. Then he tackled one of the most popular Webber tunes, "The Music of the Night." I was impressed with his performance and loved it even more when he explained on the vote-off night that he decided by doing the predictable, original arrangement, that it'd be unpredictable coming from him. Bravo. That said, he sounded so at-home, so "broadway," so clear-toned (except for one raspy rocker note at the end), that it made me feel that his Daughtry'esque'ness is a bit of a put on. Say what you will, but I feel even Daughtry and perhaps Michael Johns would have gone for an obvious "Jesus" tune and rocked it out. I cringed when Cook chose "Music," because it's from my least favorite Webber musical (thought I don't like many). But then I thought, "Damn, he picked the most popular, longest running musical kept alive by rabid women who find it the most romantic story ever told." And his phones rang. Smart Cookie. So, a few more: Sayesha? Cool performance. Tamyra Gray should be nervous. And that's about it. Castro? Worst song choice in history (but I'd still sign him). Brooke? F**ked up the lyrics, her personality is grating and while completely marketable (and I would indeed sign her), I say, again, she is not for this competition. She is Carole King/Sheryl Crow.

Which brings us to Carly Smithson. Michael Slesak at ew.com summed it up, so I'll quote here, "Carly's tattoos, her unwavering delight in showing off said body art, her husband's tattooed face, her desperate desire to please Simon Cowell, her angsty facial expressions, the pre-season brouhaha about her failed 2001 major-label CD, her sometimes off-putting stage banter, her occasional vocal inconsistency (see ''Idol Gives Back'' week), and even the fact that she's from Ireland, well, they were all warning lights that combined to spell a simple, disconcerting message: 'For a limited time only.'" And I will add that her wavering song choices, saying to us, essentially, "I'm the next Celine," one week to "I'm the next Heart," the next, she was inconsistent in her image, her vocal style and thus confused us as to what kind of artist we'd expect her to be. It's as if she wants to be Pink, but her mature, near soccer-mom face, boring hair, frumpy but better-than-it-started body - and song choices like "Without You," on Mariah night and her original choice of "All I Ask Of You," this week, was not leading us to think she'll be Pink or Kelly Clarkson for that matter. Just because she pours beer and has a tattooed sleeve and extremely tattooed husband doesn't mean she fits a rocker mold of Pink or the late Amanda Overmeyer. We were afraid of Amanda and would run from her on an empty street. We want to braid Carly's hair and make her Chamomile tea. So, would I sign her? No. Not to be crass, but just like (the unmarketable and now invisible, yet wonderful vocalist), Melinda Doolittle, she's just not f**kable. The harsh truth, albeit unfair, is that you just HAVE to be. It doesn't matter if you've been around (Gwen, Madonna) or are a newer act (Fergie, Leona Lewis), in order to be a STAR, you have to be f**kable. Sex sells. Sex gives you longevity in your career. Trust me. You'll see this when Sarah Barielles, Colbie Caliat, Winehouse, Lily Allen will make critically acclaimed records that will win awards, maybe go Gold (likely not) and have no hit singles. That said, I think Idol is looking for the next Pop star. I too, would look for the next pop star. I'd want the next Madonna, Beyonce or Mariah. They write, they listen to their guides, but yet are in-charge as well. They sell tickets and albums. And will continue to do so for the next decade. Carly? She'd get signed. Have an AC hit and a club remix, then disappear. Believe me, I know from AC and Club remixes and there's no dough in it per se. And I have a feeling, just like Carly thinks she's Pink, I think she thinks she's an "artiste," and will push for that. And faster than you can say "Tamyra Gray," (who famously fought to co-write her cd to then be dropped), Carly, within 2 years, will be in the touring production of Mamma Mia... playing the mother. In closing, I leave you with this: Linda Ronstadt was the most f**kable pop singer of the 70's. But by recording those Nelson Riddle albums too early in her career, well, no one wants to f**k the broad in the ballroom-prom gown singing "I've Got A Crush On You," thus ending a respectable career and gaining 50 pounds. Just sayin'!

SIDEBAR: My favorite AL Webber musical is "Sunset Blvd.," not represented this week on Idol. I would have had Brooke or Castro sing an acoustic (with a bit of a strumming tempo) version of "As If We Never Said Goodbye." Hey, I thought HBO was making this musical into a TV movie with Glenn Close? While I prefer LuPone (as most do) over Close, I still think this should get made. Though if they re-cast Cher, Streisand, or Meryl as Norma Desmond, I'd probably implode.

Final Webber Note: No one loves Andrew Lloyd Webber more than Andrew Lloyd Webber. What an ego! I could smell it through the TV!

BEAUTY NOTE: Loreal For Men Daily Thickening Shampoo really DOES make your hair thicker... for those of you with thinning hair. Not me, clearly, right? Though I do believe in PREVENTION and have discovered first-hand that this stuff works!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

E=MC2 on Idol

And so it was this season's "innovator," the Cook, who took charge of Mariah's "Always Be My Baby," and turned it into a stalker-like darker rocker tune. And it was Brooke Smith who didn't listen to this writers hopefully subliminal message to turn "Baby" into an acoustic lil' ditty. Instead, she once again sat a the piano, solo, singing one of the top 3 Mariah signature songs, "Hero." Yawn. I love her. I'd sign her. But she's this Carole King/Sheryl Crow singer/songwriter - not a pop diva chanteuse. Mariah has had 18 #1's and probably 40 top 10 singles. And so, of course, Syesha picks a little-known album cut from MC's debut called "Vanishing." And therefore, I think she'll will be doing so tonight. Yes, I should fault KL Cook for doing the non-single "Until Forever," but unlike "Vanishing," it is a song that SHOULD have been a single. And just like Mariah thought, it could be a hit today - some ten years later. I'm not a fan of the pageant-like KL Cook, but I thought she was really very good last night. Baby D cannot stay away from a message song or a ballad! I was extremely frustrated nearly by all of their song choices (all ballads), but Baby D doing the cartoon theme, "When You Believe," made me a lil mad. Just a lil cuz he's so damn good and so terribly cute. His vocals were wonderful, but yes, "Make It Happen," would have been a better choice. On that note, "Happen," "Emotions," "Someday," even "Shake it Off," would have been great up-tempo choices. Alas, it was the Cook's "Baby," and Castro's "I Don't Wanna Cry," that I'll be purchasing at iTunes. I still go on record to say that it'll be Baby D, The Cook and Castro in the top 3. I feel Baby D will take it but if he doesn't, he'll be the bigger star. If Cook wins, he'll go the way of Taylor Hicks, because as much as he has consistently delivered great performances, we already have Daughtry (who's hotter and I predict a better song writer than Cook). And if I had the chance, I'd sign Castro, who has the potential to be a Pop/Rock/Grammy-darling a la John Mayer/Rob Thomas. I think he's got the "artiste" in him. I love MC's clips of her coaching btw. So cute and helpful. She's on tonight!

BRANDY has jumped Atlantic Records to sign with Epic. I love Brandy. She has delivered consistent cool and melodic R&B albums. Her "Never Say Never," and "Full Moon," albums are among the best R&B of the last decade. Often underrated she is still always Grammy nominated for each release, including Best R&B Album. Her tragedy of the car accident aside - key word "accident," - I hope she will rise above, that the media will not sensationalize it, and that she's back on top again.

I've happily fallen into "The Comeback" hole recently. I just watch the whole short season on DVD again. It pains me that it only lasted one season -- and kills me more so that Lisa Kudrow (pic) was robbed of an Emmy that year. I have recently said that if I won a crap-load of money in the lottery, I'd pay to produce another season, just for my own enjoyment. Come back to the Five & Dime, Valerie Cherish, Valerie Cherish.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

E=MC2=More Hits!

Quick Bits Today: It's Mariah night on IDOL. She's got a great catalogue no doubt. But I hope they don't try to imitate and do indeed "make it their own." Never one to shy away fro a message song, I'm hoping Baby D tackles "Make It Happen," as he is so in-need of an up-tempo ditty. Brooke White on an acoustic "Always Be My Baby," would be great and Carly being actually happy on "Someday" would be cool. I honestly can hear David Cook turning one of her big ballads into a rocker as he did with Lionel Richie's "Hello." "Vision of Love" anyone? And NO ONE should be doing one of the covers Mariah covered (IE "Without You," Open Arms," "I'll Be There," etc.)

Saw "Smart People." Good, cute, indy-like. Dennis Quaid channeled his best Nicholson as a cantankerous university professor who falls for Sarah Jessica. And I got the vibe that we'll have a lifetime of Ellen Page playing a sharp-tongue sassy youth in every film she does. It gets a "B."

Mariah's E=MC2 is out today. Here's the thing: if you like her, you'll love it. It is amazing. I loved her "Mimi" album and she has not broken that mold, which is a damn smart move. Highlights are I Stay In Love, I'm That Chick, and I'll Be Loving You. It's a perfect spring/summer jam CD and I expect at least 5 top 10 singles coming from it.

PLEASE BUY: Go to iTunes and download a "Fall" dance mix by Kimberley Locke. They're REALLY good.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

No More Tears (Enough is Enough)

Well, I welled-up a couple of times last night. Last night watching IDOL GIVES BACK, the Annie Lennox piece tore me apart, partly because she is so genuine and partly because when she sang, it was both moving and jaw-dropping. Her voice, if possible, is stronger than it was over 20 years ago when she first came on the scene. With her last two original albums not being too overwhelmingly wonderful as her "Diva" CD, I fear that, much like Stevie Nicks, she is becoming overlooked and under appreciated as one of the great contributors of Pop and Rock music. With her apparent exit from Clive Davis' label after a career-long run, I can only hope that her new label will encourage a return to melodies & choruses combined with thought-provoking lyrics. Again, her "Diva" is the best album of the 90's in my book. Do you notice a Brooke White resemblance in the picture here? Fergie kicked ass on her solo tune and her "Barracuda" with Heart. I immediately went to buy "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You," by Heart - one of their last (and funniest) pop hits. And as expected, Miss Carrie's "Praying For Time," killed me! I'm hoping she records a studio version with a little more pop/country flair (add some acoustic guitars) so it'll become a hit the way her "I'll Stand By You" did. So, that's what I enjoyed. Here's the other end: please put Robin Williams out of MY misery. Two songs from Miley? I get it. She's huge. But for Fox to give-way to a Disney and ABC star is quite astounding. Gloria Estefan. I noticed her weight-loss and fresh face. Did you? Regardless, I fear that Gloria will be remembered for her "Conga," and "Get on Your Feet" schlock and not the wonderful pure pop ballads like "Words Get In The way," "Cuts Both Ways," "Anything For You," and many more. Never known as a fabulous singer, that woman wrote some damn-good ballads.

NOTE: 30 ROCK and THE OFFICE return tonight! Sheer joy! (IDOL results air tonight as well.)

My other cry of the night? Damn you Diane Sawyer and your "Primetime" special on Randy Pausch! Randy, a college professor, gave an uplifting and inspiring speech which was later posted for students who didn't have the chance to see it. Millions and millions of views later, his logical proverbs and motivating stories have become a book, "The Last Lecture," as well as a quiet movement. Pausch was diagnosed with cancer and a prognosis of 6 months to live. He's on his seventh month and will ultimately leave his wife and 3 children (under 6) very shortly. Therefore my tears were combined of sorrow and inspiration indeed. Get the book or watch his speech for free at You Tube.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Lack of Inspiration

Inspired? InTIRED! --- Something you might not know about me: I love inspirational music. Bebe & Cece Winans are amazing and made incredible albums together with some of the most hookiest melodies in pop and R&B. That said, from the obvious ("You've Got A Friend") to the WTF (Our Lady Of Peace's "Innocence"), I really wish there was a job at Idol to be the contestants A&R guy. I want that job. But alas, the kids have to pick their own songs. Coaches advise them but cannot give them their "final answer." Here's what I shouted out last night to the TV: "If you're on American Idol, after 7 seasons and are singing a song that was not a top 20 or top 10 smash, you're an idiot and you're singing for yourself - not for 'the win' and not for the viewers." This exclamation was prompted by both Carly's Queen choice and David Cook's Innocence song. You are boring me. You're boring America. And with that, I offer some other choices that would have been better: Baby D (in need of an up-tempo tune) would have killed on Natasha Beddingfield's "Unwritten." It's a no-brainer. It's one of the most popular songs of the decade and would have catapulted him to the top again (because he would have "made it his own" by merely being a guy singing a girl's song.) I have an "UpLifting" playlist. Below is just a sample of the 100 song collection I've made. These would have been amazing by anyone on the show last night. While there is a Broadway night soon, the choices of something no one know but will kill, such as Sondheim's "Sunday," would have put whoever sung it, on the pedestal of Fantasia's "Summertime" performance 4 years ago.

NO MORE DRAMA (Mary J Blige)
I MADE IT THROUGH THE RAIN (Manilow - a redo by D Cook coulda killed!)
SWEET FREEDOM (Michael McDonald)
FRIENDS (Bette Midler)
STEP BY STEP (Whitney)

That's just a sample. While I'm glad no one chose "Bridge Over Troubled Water" or "Wind Beneath My Wings / From A Distance," the choices of "I Believe" and "You've Got A Friend," showed what I knew: Seyesha has no deep catalogue of songs in her iPod and when pushed to be obvious, Brooke steps up and delivers. Yawn. Seyesha? BYEsha! Kristy Lee Cook? Kristy Lee BOOK your flight home. They need to go next. Seyesha's got balls! Whitney one week and an Idol winners song the next!?

I hear that IDOL GIVES BACK is going to be wonderful tonight. I read that performances by Annie Lennox and Fergie shine. Just as she did last year, I expect Carrie Underwood's cover for the telethon this year will again become a #1 download. Last year, it was a pared-down Pretenders "I'll Stand By You." This year: George Michael's "Praying for Time." Someone knows how to choose inspirational songs! The telethon stars at 7:30P tonight with the results show bumped to Thursday.

It's official! Spring is here and final 5 must go! The final 5 pounds that is! So if I seem more cantankerous than usual, please have pity as I'll be trying my best to be carb-free and booze-free. Close your awe-shocked mouths. I said "trying." Lord knows I'll pass over a loaf of bread to get to my wine! It's all about portion control... not seen in my 2 bowls of pasta with turkey sausage last night. 38 is weeks away. BRING IT ON!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bleeding Love: LeLe Lewis Debuts

Leona Lewis' debut CD drops today. For those of you completely out-of-it, she won Simon Cowell's "X-Factor" series in the UK and was immediately signed by Clive Davis. She's been dubbed the second coming of Mariah and Whitney. Judging by her vocals and first single (the inescapable #1 "Bleeding Love,") she certainly sounds it. USA Today seems ho-hum on the full album but I have high hopes that her blend of Pop & R+B (not hip-hop) will be a welcome debut for her and welcome return to melodies for us. Fingers crossed. "You cut me up and then I keep bleeding love." Great lyric.

The Sex & the City stars attended the Point Foundation benefit the other night (pic). It made me think, we're just 8 Fridays away from the film in theatres and made me happy that they lent their time to the charity which helps disowned gay teens with housing and college scholarships. Yeah Carrie & Co.!

Read a piece on the very funny Rachel Dratch in the NY Times regarding the comediane being the forgotten SNL female. She really should be working. Reminds me that these other fine funny ladies should be seen more as well: Cheri O'Teri, Nora Dunn and Jan Hooks... the last two and their Sweeny Sisters makes me laugh out loud just typing it.

Have you seen the "Maid of Honnor" commercials? The film is about a best friend (Patrick Dempsey) realizing he's in love with his best girlfriend just as she asks him to her maid of honor for her wedding. Isn't this the reverse of Julia Roberts (the best friend) realizing she's in love with the groom-to-be in "My Best Friend's Wedding"? Where are the new ideas, Hollywood?

Happy IDOL Tuesday! My favorite day of the week!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Zac Attack!

I'll be taking in THE RUINS this weekend, which every time I say it, I think "the runs." Gross and juvenile, I know. I can't find any reviews of the film which doesn't bode well though, so I may back-out.

Spring Jams: Jordin Sparks NO AIR, Chris Brown WITH YOU (an Irreplaceable rip-off with "boo" lyrics), Madonna 4 MINUTES (great on the treadmill), Mariah TOUCH MY BODY (now my favorite song of the year so far), Carly Smithson HERE YOU COME AGAIN (love this slow full single version from iTunes), Ryan Cabrera SAY, and wait till you kids here the dance remixes of Kimberley Locke's FALL - coming 4/15 @ iTunes.

Hot Damn! My high school crush Zac Efron (pic) is filming 17 AGAIN (which is very "BIG" like). (A) He's hot. (B) He plays basket ball in the film and (C) I'm hoping a guy covers the great Eurythmic's song for the film (cue Rob Thomas, John Mayer, Daughtry). Check out some scenes: http://movies.aol.com//movie/seventeen-again/33126/video/clip-no-1/2100265

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS is officially picked up by NBC. It won't return until winter which gives you time to watch the DVD's. Add it to your Netflix. I promise, it's worth it! Another DVD series on your list should be THE DAMAGES.

I've gotten sucked into seasons 2 of DIRT and THE RICHES and they're still so juicy and good. My concern is that they only filmed 8 each before the strike and didn't resume production which could mean FX pulled the plug. Damn it!

I love Renee Zellweger. Great actress. But her new face (botox, restalyne?) combined with her squinty eyes and pursed lips just looks so unnatural its sad. Why do some of these ladies do this?

Happy Birthday Brett! 52 never looked so good!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Dolly & My IDOL Day

"Here I Come Again" to paraphrase Miss Dolly. I know, it's been a week! But I'm back! So, I'll start with Dolly night. Dolly is a genius, a national treasure, a true talent. That said, with the exception of Whitney, no one but Dolly should sing Dolly songs. It's kind of the equivalent of having a Joni Mitchell night. Get it? Anyway, Carly, Booke, Cook, John Michaels and Baby D stood out. Carly finally gave her best performance of the season. Interesting that the Cook gets praised for his stolen arrangements but no one mentioned the Tatted-Arm belter's ballad version of one of the most peppy-happy-pop songs ever recorded (Here You Come Again)??? Castro was good but still needs to kick it up a notch. "Hallelujah" was a month ago, Dreddie. But yet I feel, based on voting, we could see Baby D, Castro and Cook in the top three... in that order. I do love that loppy-Paula is BACK! She starts her sentances with absolutely no idea where the hell she's going or how to end them. And her jumping on Simon so loudly with every disagreement is waning. Speaking of talking back: Carly & Brooke - put yourself in Shut-Down mode! (Dolly note: Yes, I'll be seeing "9 to 5," the musical in Pasadena later this year!)

My IDOL Day: Last Wednesday, when Kimberley returned to IDOL, it was a quite surreal yet comical day for me. It started with picking her up and getting a phone call from Christian Siriano that he had landed and could not check into the Mondrian as his room wasn't ready. Nice job, Mondrian. I dropped her at IDOL then drove to pick up the dress. I wanted to meet Christian yet was on a time-clock and had to get back to the set quickly. However, C decided to cutely hem-n-haw over whether he should come with me to CBS at that moment because he wanted to fit Kim in the dress as had to be there for his Craig Ferguson appearance (the same time IDOL tapes). Eventually, I convinced him he could shower in Kim's large dressing room so he rolled out a piece of luggage as large as my Jeep and we were on our way. I said , "Lady, that thing's the size of four of you!" He said drone-like, "It's got wheelssssss." Aside from being very talented, he is a quick-wit, very sweet and very appreciative of his new-found stardom.

So, between him getting ready - yes, I witnessed the hair process of C's 'do - and Kim getting all dolled up with her make up and hair guy, complete with C taping down her own two "Idols," it was quite a comical scene. Just before Kim's appearance, we were brought to holding room where all the kids were. Being a fan of Baby D (a much better nickname than Archie), I kept my eye on him to see if he's a sweet kid, the way he seems on TV. And well, he is. I kept noticing him looking for a moment to talk to talk with Kimberley as if Mariah were in the room. Shades of me at age 16 looking longingly at Liza Minnelli for a chance to enter her conversation so I can say "I love 'The World Goes Round.'" (True story.) They lined the kids up to bring them on-stage, all passing Kim. And Baby D jumps at his chance. With a big grin and his lil' hand out-reached, he says "I love your song 'Change.' It's my favorite." To which I almost wept-over it's cuteness and Kim gratefully beamed for him saying "Change" and not "8th World Wonder." Chatty-Kathy, Carly talked us-up because she knew some of Kim's co-writers from her "True Story" album. Being very business-like, I could immediately tell this girl has been put through the wringer by the record biz but still knows how to schmooze at the drop of a CD. (Shades of me: 4 record deals with no release by age 30.) Others who made their way to chat-it-up with Kim include a very flirty Chikeze (who later asked me if Kim was single - a very bold brotha), Brooke (sweet as pie with her compliments of Kim's singing) and KL Cook (who noted Kim's country cover of the Clay Walker song "Fall.") And yes, Castro seemed to be 4-joints-into his day and I wanted Michael Johns to ask me for my number.

Tomorrow I'll start to get back to other things non-Idol. But for now, I'm happy to have these 20 minutes back every morning for coffee and typing! Happy April!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Yawn-Night at Idol

While not as loopy as seasons past, I think our Miss Paula was the loopiest last night than she's been all season. I'm sure it's because she added a combo of decongestants to her pills of-the-norm, as she sounded a bit under the weather. But her more-than-usually run-on comments combined with her ode-to-the-80's ripped Leather & Lace dress brought to mind the "Hey Paula" we love! Anyway, yes Seyesha's vocals were amazing, but I just feel as soon as she goes back to an uptempo, she'll falter, Most vulnerable: Chickeze, Ramielle, Brooke and Carly. I really feel audiences are not connecting with Carly. With her tattooed arm (yet to be EVER covered up), her frumpy clothes (what is she really hiding under there?), and her Our Miss Brooks hair and face, she just seems like my nephew's 2nd grade teacher, not a star and certainly not the rock star she's sees herself as. It's like she wants to be Pink with Felicity Huffman's style. Choosing a somewhat obvious Total Eclipse was both brave and dumb. Taking a large, bombastic song known for its climatic build and trying to sandwich it into 2 minutes never works. And that ending note!? She's just letting me down and is clearly in need of a strong arm of A&R'ing. My goal tonight backstage, other than my pic with Baby D, is to give my number to his father to call me every week for song guidance. "You're the Voice"? Enough with your message songs Archuleta! Are you in a pop star competition or the presidential campaign? Brooke was ok, but it's again too obvious that she jumped back to the piano with a ballad just as she did for her best night with Let it Be. David Cook? Amazing. The hair still bugs but if he shaved that near-comb-over, the Daughtry comparisons would be louder than they are. But he is now on a consistent roll. Jason Castro: step up your game or you'll be gone by #5! As noted by some friends, all Kristy Lee Cook needed to pull out was either a fire-baton or sign language. Did Jon-Benet Ramsey do this tune at age 5? So pageant. Very shameful I feel and yes, as Simon said, the most "clever" song choice ever. KL Cook is unfortunately and wrongfully safe.

So, I'll be there today, all day. I'll try to dig as best as I can. Be sure to tune in tonight! And if you haven't bought Kimberley Locke's "Fall" at iTunes, do so or send it to a friend. This is the time we need to see sales jump.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Quick Bits

A busy week this week so here are some things to note:

I watched Dan In Real Life (Steve Carell) and The Brave One (Jody Foster) on DVD this weekend. There were just ok. Enjoyable enough for DVD.

George Michael is going on a US Tour! He plays LA Forum on 6/25!

Idol's Josh Gracin and Phil Stacey drop their country albums in April. And Clay Aiken's new album of originals is out in May, which I find shocking. I didn't think they'd keep him.

The rooftop at Fiesta Cantina is superfun! They DO need to invest in some new furniture & decor there though.

I just uploaded Paula Abdul's Greatest Hits into my iTunes. Truly enjoyable, mindless pop. She was the original J-Lo -- the first of the non-singers really. She's got that Crazy Cool Vibeology.

Dolly Parton's off bed rest from back surgery so expect a big media push for her Backwoods Barbie CD which dropped about 2 months ago.

Friday, March 21, 2008

CD Sales, Mask, & More

Rick Ross sold 188,000 albums to enter at #1 this week. Who's Rick Ross, Jerry? I have no f**king clue. Additionally, Danity Kane, late of Making the Band three years ago, will enter at #1 next week with around 270-290,000 sold. (100,000 more than Janet.) Which brings me to this: music and music tastes are in the toilet and clearly, I'm old.

Ahhhh. Cher as tough biker chick raising a facially deformed son. Yes, I'm having MASK memories. Cher was wonderful in the film, which at the time was quite a tear-jerker. Now, you can see it in all it's musical glory! Yes, Mask: The Musical has set-up shop in Pasadena. I love legendary song writers Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil so there just may be some good music there. Reviews should hit shortly, but for now, check out the pix: http://www.playbill.com/news/article/116102.html

Meet The Browns, Shutter, and Drillbit Taylor open today in theatres. So, unless you're under 18 with these on your must-see list, I suggest, once again, that you go see THE BANK JOB.

It's gonna be GORGEOUS in LA this weekend but if you need a DVD viewing, check out I Am Legend, Why Did I Get Married?, Gone Baby Gone.

Didja know Edie Brickell released a new album last month? Under the "group" name of the Heavy Circles, I've always loved her voice so I'll check it out soon. Also, good news to look forward to; the amazing Wynonna is set to issue a covers album later this year. She's cut Maria Muldaur's playful "I'm A Woman" already. I hope this pushes Wy to the forefront she deserves.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Adele, Overmeyer, Mamma

Lotsa buzz over new singer Duffy.  She seems a bit TOO Amy Winehouse'esqe so I don't hold high hopes for her to take over radio and have massive sales.  But expect critics to line-up.  Adele, another UK newcomer will be release here this summer.  Already a London hit, her "Chasing Pavement" single is really remarkable.  A great old school sound in a new way.  The horns on the chorus remind me of the wonderful, under-appreciated James Morrison song, "You Give Me Something."  That song not being a US hit made me officially declare that radio is deaf.

I like Ruben Studdard's "Celebrate Me Home" single.  Cheesily used on Idol, the Kenny Loggins classic has always been a favorite.  Get it at iTunes.

Over the Overmeyer:  I think her demeanor killed her.  She seemed so unlikable and it seems this show was getting in the way of her rockdom. Ya know?  Did you see how the bottom 3 girls were embraced but Mandy O was stiff and not touching the Carly or KL Cook.  Cold.  We all know the Cook shoulda gone and while Mandy was good TV, she wouldn't have lasted another week or two.  As for that PAINFUL Beatles medley?!  It was, well, painful.  A big wish: don't do Beatles at all next season.  That's wishful thinking though.  I guarantee it'll happen again.

MAMMA MIA!  Check out the new movie trailer.  It looks pretty cheesy, more so than  the stage play.  See, on the stage you can play big with extra cheese.  On the screen however?  I'm sure I'll personally love it, but I'm concerned.  And I still feel the fab Meryl is a bit to mature by 10 years for the role. (Pictured)

Dancing: Brava to Pricilla Presley! She was wonderful, as was Marlee Matlin. Still this show, at 2 hours, is a bit too much for me in the beginning but entertaining nonetheless.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Pop-Boys Grown; Idol's Beatles Bore

Remember Ryan Cabrera?  His first album was really damn good pop rock, which included basically his only real hits "On The Way Down" and "True." Well, he's now long-free of Ashlee Simpson, has grown out his 'do and 'stache and has released a new tune "Say," on Papa Joe Records (at iTunes now). Yup, he's still repped by Ashlee's dad. Anyway, this song is an infectious, perfect, spring ditty. Better than Gavin Degraw's new stuff. I hope this takes off 'cause it's just truly enjoyable. Check it out: www.myspace.com/ryancabrera

Jesse McCartney, another former teen (via Disney) who had a few pop hits a while back, has returned with a more mature face (acne's gone, new teeth fit his handsome face better).  Well, his new song from his upcoming "Departure" cd is indeed a departre.  I liked his last single "Right Where You Want Me," which flopped.  The new once sounds just as good as an Usher/Chris Brown tune.  But I don't know if whitey-boy will fly.  Check it out "Leavin'": www.jessemac.com

Leona Lewis's "Bleeding Love" is the top single at iTunes following her US introduction on Oprah Monday.  Great song.  Big star in the making.  Huge.  Clive says so.  Cowell says so.

IDOL TIME - Ok.  First, I think we all agree that the producers made a HUGE mistake I hope they're regretting: two weeks in a row of Beatles.  It made it all-so lackluster.  That said, who didn't do well: KL Cook, Raimelle, J Castro, and Brooke.  I'm hoping KL Cook hits the road tonight, but in my gut, something could go awry.  I love RamRam's voice but it hasn't lived up to her potential.  Brooke bombed with her take on "Here Comes the Sun," but she's my current front-runner female so I have faith.  JJ Castro sang an otherwise unmoving "Michelle." But he's so f**king cute - and still has the IT factor (with tight, hot jeans).  I had an odd premonition it'll be Archuletta vs Castro in the end.  I don't know why, but it's my gut --- this week.  Carly was great but she just doesn't fit her body.  The hair, the wardrobe, the personality vs the average face, the tats, the Tracy Turnbladt hair, the big, edgy voice.  It just doesn't come together.   David Cook's "Daughtry" schtick is already boring me.  And while Saiesha was lovely with "Yesterday," she's proven she can't do an up-tempo or a power ballad that becomes too big for her.  But her intimate take of that tune was certainly one of the most memorable we've seen this year.  Interesting that we're down to one African American guy and girl only, isn't it?

Golden, Games

I took in "Funny Games" last night.  The indie flick with Naomi Watts is so disturbing, I can't write much about it without going back to that odd, scary, empty feeling I had during and after viewing.  It's one of those I can't quite recommend either.  It was just frighteningly based in reality... an ugly, this-can-happen reality.

Dancing With The Stars: As I mentioned, I usually don't stick with this show, but I'll say Jason Taylor, Mario and Christian were the stand-outs and should last a while.  Are you as nervous for Pricilla as I am?

They're bringing back new versions of 90210 and the short-lived Cupid.  With these revivals, dontcha think a modern version of The Golden Girls should come around?  Carol Burnett, Mary Tyler Moore, Valerie Harper... any of those 70's broads are primed to tackle a newer Golden age with the internet, cell phones, dating at age 60+ in the 2000's!?  C'mon!

New music this week: WHO CARES!?  It's all been crap.  And we're in mid-March.

Are you watching DIRT on FX?  A great guilty pleasure, as is the Riches which starts tonight. Also tonight, "What Perez Says..." on VH1 with a Kimberley Locke interview.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Locke on Idol, MC's Hot Bod & More

Kimberley Locke returns to IDOL to sing "Fall" on March 26 wearing a fierce Christian Siriano (Project Runway) original.

Mariah Carey looked amazing in her new trim bod on SNL, right!?  The best she's looked in YEARS!  You'll see the Hot MC on "Idol" this week.  I predict a HUGE first week of sales when her new album drops in April.  Her 2nd single is already going to radio.  Yes, much like she did with her "Mimi" CD, she'll have two singles out there before street-date.  If you recall, "We Belong Together" was the 2nd single released a few weeks before the full album.  It'll be the summer of MC, causing possible tears to Janet & Maddy.

I saw "Miss Pettigrew" this weekend.  It was completely enjoyable but perhaps it's one of those you'll love on an airplane or cable.  Frannie McDormand is wonderful and I love Amy Adams, but it's time to change it up from the doe-eyed dingy she's played in Junebug, Enchanted and now this.  I think this would have been a wonderful cable movie actually.  (If you need to see a film, I beg you and demand you to see The Bank Job!)

The Gay CVS was full of hotties this past Sunday.  I finally felt what my friend Paul feels constantly: embarrassed to buy toilet paper.  But instead of driving to El Monte to do so as he does, I braved it.

Dancing with the Stars begins tonight.  I always try to stick with this show, but it just becomes too-gay-much.  It feels like it's on 5 days a week for 3 hours a night.  But as long as Christian de la Fuente's (pic) on network tv (sadly missed on "The Class"), I'll be there!

Friday, March 14, 2008

A Fierce Tranny Hot Mess!

I went to dinner last night (the legendary hole-in-the-wall Chez Jay in Santa Monica), so I've yet to watch my shows from last night.  What am I gonna do once Ugly Betty, the Office and 30 Rock return to Thursdays!?  That's a cramped viewing night.

Rumors: Sheryl Crow is actually on record stating that she's likely to join Fleetwood Mac. This is the most joyous news I've heard in a long time!  Crow would step in for a retired Christine McVee for an album and tour.  This could be as big as the recent comeback of the Eagles.  In otherwords, money galore.

Raves for "Horton" are in which will mean a large box office this weekend.  And sadly, not so kind reviews for "Funny Games," the home-hostage, dark thriller with Naomi Watts.  I loved the trailer so I might just ignore the critics and take it in.

Amy Poehler (pic) as Christian of Project Runway is my current obsession.  Please watch this fierce clip! http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/#mea=227155

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stripped of the Title!

Well, he was never gonna win but I thought that Stripper David H. deserved to be in the top 10 - most certainly over Baby Faith Hill, Kristy Lee (her looks, not voice).  Even Paula said that she simply "didn't like it."  I don't think Paula has ever said that!?  So, let me comment on few other things: a 2nd Lennon/McCartney week?  I hope they don't chug this theme out next year because between 3 hours of it this week, complete with a 18 song medley last night and 3 again next week, I think we'll be Beatle'd out.  Paula stupidly said that this bottom 3 is the best she's ever seen.  Really?  Tell that to Jen Hud, 'Tasia, and LaToya! (Remember when those "Dreamgirls" were the low 3?)  Kat McPhee (pic) looked STUNNING.  She is simply one of the most gorgeous ladies around.  And her voice is sweet and strong but I don't feel there's an "all around entertainer x-factor" there.  And there was the ever-present/never-turn-down an invite David Foster.  He said they're recording a album. Since she was dropped from RCA does that mean she's on David's 143/WB label?

I'll be testing the John Adams 8 week series on HBO starting this Sunday because (a) it's from Tom Hanks (b) Laura Linney's in it and (c) the book is highly acclaimed.  But mostly because I hated history in school and always love learning things from bio movies.

Salaries aside, I think the Regis & Kelly talk show has a budget of $10,000 per show.  And they probably go under that number daily.  What a piece of crap.  The sets, effects, triva games -- is it 1975!?  The adorable Kel Rip deserves better.

Mariah's stepping in for a flu-ridden Janet on SNL this weekend.  With Janet's flop and hard-knocks coming her way, I don't anticipate a tour coming to fruition for her unless, like Madonna did when American Life flopped, she simple goes on ReInvention tour of Greatest Hits.  Someone might need to put JJ on depression-watch.  A failed single for JJ (and the new one having no buzz), a lackluster reception for Maddy's song w/ Timberlake, and Mariah's "Touch" single becoming huge, it's safe to say, Mimi will take the diva crown this summer.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Baby D

Dear David Archuletta:  I hope you slept well and I hope you don't awake and read anything damaging regarding your slip-up last night. Forgive yourself.  You forgot the words.  So what?  You still are a great performer with such a rich and powerful voice.  And you're truly just adorable so I'm sure your fans (mostly young girls) dialed in and you'll be fine (though I'm sure Producers will capitalize on this and leave you in the hanging until the final minutes).  Shake it off, pull yourself together and don't give into the pressure.  Thanx, Baby D!  (Sidenote: I hear that the performance order is not planned but done so by Lotto. And yet, front runner, ratings grabber, David A is put at the end of the 2 hours again?)

That said, everyone was really good last night.  Not so fast Kristy Lee Cook!  What a misstep! If all goes well, she'll be gone.  I personally voted for Ramielle 10 times last night.  She's GOT to step up her game.  Too many ballads, RamRam!  Some of these kids need to take a lesson in Manilow modulations.  She needed one on "In My Life." Chickeze was a surprise, right? And David Daughtry Cook hit it outta there too. Aussie Man also turned in his best so far.

It's the Spitz!  Elliot Spitzer.  Wow!  I wish no ill-will on anyone but you can't help but feel a lot of bad karma hanging over this guy.  Spitzie cost record labels and radio companies millions and millions of dollars just a few short years ago and changed the industy for the worst.  While some can point to the internet for damaging the music biz, you have to also point a finger at this guy who made it difficult for radio to play new acts.

Liza with a Z!  It's Miss Minelli's 62nd Birthday.  I order you to rent Cabaret, New York New York, Arthur or her amazing Arrested Development episodes and celebrate her work.  It's terrific!

Have you seen Madonna's recent face?  Here she is at this weeks Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. Uhm, did stock in Botox rise?  And that new song?  Did Nelly Furtado turn it down?  It's all Justin with Maddy slotted in there now & then.  This could be a disaster of Janet Jackson sized proportion.

Kathie Lee Gifford is going to host the 4th hour of "Today."  Welcome back.  I'm tiring a bit of The View so this could be, at the least, entertaining.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Great Job, Bank Job!

The Bank Job is one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.  Action, suspense, dark humor, violence --- just completely entertaining.  I anticipate it will be on my Top 10 nine months from now at the year's end. Saffron Burrows (pic) is simply the most beautiful and stunning woman I've seen on the big screen in years.  Please go see this film.

A scathing piece in the recent Entertainment Weekly offered career advice to Janet Jackson. Ultimately they said what I (and I think all of us) believe should be done: it's time for reinvention and it's time to drop the overly, ultimately tired and wrong sexual overtones of her lyrics and "singing."  Where's Escapade, Alright, Together Forever, All For You, Love Will Never Do...?  I think we'd all welcome our "happy" Janet back.  Miss U Much, Miss Jackson.

Beatles night on Idol: I'm hoping Archuletta gives a more upbeat turn this week (think: "I Saw Her Standing There").  Whoever takes on "Here There Everywhere," has a chance to score big on what I feel is their most beautiful (and sometimes overlooked) song.

Carrie Underwood & Keith Urban play Anaheim on 3/13 and Matchbox 20 w/ Alanis Morrisette take over Staples on 3/16.  And if I could justify spending hundreds of dollars to attend either or both, I would!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Quick Bits for a Friday: I'm fine with who got the boot on Idol.  Ramielle: STOP CRYING! Amanda: pump up a personality!  It's as if she's friends with no one and is uncomfortable in her own skin.  Maybe Danny Noriega and "Runway" winner Christian should have a reality show: "SuperGay!"  I'm serious.  Calling Logo now.  :)

Good reviews are out on Mrs. Pettigrew (with the amazing Francie McDormand) and The Bank Job with Jason Statham (pictured).  I'll be it seeing later today.  Un-hot reviews came in for "10,000 BC" which I never had interest in seeing.

The Jeff Buckley's "Halleluja" single is in the top 5 on iTunes after Jason Castro sang it on Idol.

LOST?  Yes, I am.  So many stories, so many characters, and yet, still damn good and exciting.

I think it's Daylight Savings this weekend.  I think.  Which means I timed my mani/pedi yesterday perfectly for flip flops, right?!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

80's Ladies

Gurlz Gurlz: Well, if the Boyz triumphed with their comeback on Tuesday, the Girlz proved to be overwhelmed and turned in a weak night of singing and song choices.  I liked Carly (tho' her rocker tats, Glamor Shots Photo Hair 'do, combined with her big vocals on a rocker, Pop song just didn't jell).  Granted, Kelly Clarkson didn't become a rocker-girl over night, but I feel Carly wants to be Pink without an ounce of P's edge.  I thought Brooke's "Battlefield" choice was great, as was the arrangement.  It's the best she's sounded, tho' I do feel, that her male counterpart is Jason Castro.  She is the Sheryl Crow to his John Mayer - not the best singers but more-so singer/songwriter artists.  And while I hated her song choice of "Against All Odd," I still love Ramiele's smokey voice, which would have soared on a Lisa Stansfield or Taylor Dayne hit.  And while I'm at it, why not make a great performance out of previously-thought-cheese?  Tiffany's "Coulda Been," or Deb Gibson's "Lost In Your Eyes" are primed for a cool update, whether it be a modern power ballad or emo-rock update.
E! Online is reporting that the stellar "Friday Night Lights" will return to NBC in the Fall and will also air on a special FNL Channel on DirectTV.  I can't urge you enough to make this the Summer of FNL!  Get the DVD's (Netflix) or iTunes 'em.  But watch this wonderful, dramatic, inspiring show about family life in a small town - not necessarily a Football team. And, once again, there's great eye candy: Taylor Kitsch (pictured).  This pick-up is great news, especially after NBC announced SIX one-hour reality shows coming up!?  They've almost redeemed themselves.

My friend Laine (aka Elle) retuned from about 6 weeks in Australia.  (Must be nice.)  So, his TV catch-up last night of course included Idol, where he said he passed gas that sounded better than the first 2 girl singers.  I also received texts regarding his other TV viewing:  "Moment of Truth," which I quickly made him change.  Next:  a comment on Mark McGrath being a sell-out, viewing Bob Mackie Wearable Art on QVC (which he watched for a while, 'natch), then "Wow! Nina Garcia?  Gr8 facelift!," followed by proclaiming his love for Loni Love on "Chelsea Handler."  Nice to have you back on the show, Laine.

Tonight: Lost and a Blake Lewis return to Idol (what!?)  And I'm preparing for hurricanes Erotica and TeenBeat blowin' through Weho from SF this weekend!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Hello. Is It Me You're Looking For?

Idol Boyz:  I liked David A., David C. (with his Daughtry-like take on "Hello,"), and Jason ("Halleluja").  Who do I think should Go-Go: Luke!  So handsome, but his song choices and high-timber, combined with no charisma leave me yawning. Also, while the Singing-Sanjaya, Danny Noriega, is entertaining TV, he simply bugs.  (I'll be buying "Hello" at iTunes.)

Project Runway ends tonight.  I've fallen behind and haven's seen the last three, but I feel Christian will win.  Which makes me think, if I dropped this show because I knew Christian will win, will America do the same for Archuletta on Idol or will they stop calling in for him feeling he's safe.  (Either way, he'll be signed.  He's undeniable.)  Also, Christian very-much implied he won on "Regis" last week.

Hillary: Well, she's still behind in delegates but won 3 states last night.  I saw many reports of people simply saying, "Well, whoever wins the nomination is who I'm voting for, but I hope it's Hillary."  Here's the thing, you're hiring a person for a very important job.  Don't you want the person with the most experience?  I do.  But, whoever wins the nomination is who I'm voting for.  :)  (Visit hillaryclinton.com for her store - a fun way to give to the campaign.)

Janet Jackson enters at #1 with her new album.  She sold 178,000 this week.  Remember when NSync sold 2.1 million in their first week?  That was just about 7 years ago.  Times have changed but I still don't think 178,000 is cause for celebration, especially when she could drop to about 60,000 in her second week, uhm, weak.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


By now, you should have heard that Idol singer, David Hernandez (pictured), is a former male stripper for mostly male clients at Dick's Cabaret in Phoenix, AZ.  Who cares?  Makes the otherwise latino milk-toasty singer more edgy.  He did give a damn good Papa Was A Rolling Stone last week. He's got potential.  An "it" factor?  Nope, but let him be in the top 10.  I believe they're doing 80's tonight which means the boys could be giving us George Michael and unfortunately, brave yourself for some Whitney covers from the chicks.

Damn!  The return of the real TV shows can't come fast enough!  The "Terminator" finale last night was a great cliffhanger. And in seeing an interview of the actor who plays young John Connor made me vibe he's playing on my team?  Hmmmm?

If there's such a thing as Remedial Viewing, I need it for "Lost."  WTF?!  I'm watching them twice and reading the EW blog but, Holy Time Machine, what is going on?  A jacked-up space continuum is the cause of the crash and the survivors being believed to be dead?  An interesting theory of Avery's is that Penny's dad is the dough behind Dharma, that Ben was hired to work for him and then went AWAL - and the helicopter/boat crew was hired by Pops to get Ben.

Beauty tip: For those of you applying your once-a-week clay facial mask (and I hope that's ALL of you), I recommend using a small, soft paint brush to apply the mask.  It's more sanitary than your hands and goes on evenly, smoothly.  (Thanks Brett!)  Also, I highly suggest getting the blue clay mask by H2o.  Find it!

Monday, March 3, 2008


I've been rather unmoved by all things lately.  Hence, no posts since Thursday.  I will say that knowing when to end the night after a bender is one of my strong-points.  After Avery and I hit the Fiesta 2-for-1 and had 2 doubles each of our specialty drink*, we headed to the Mother Load and Here Bar.  Avery drove so I had to know when to cab-it.  For me, that was around 9:30 after 2 short hours of large consumptions. I bring up this little nugget because my friend (we'll call him "Steve,") got back to his home at 2:30pm the following day.  And that's all I'm saying because I don't like to gossip. 

*Specialty Drink: I was turned on to a Vodka/Soda/Splash-O-Cran by Avery three years ago. He made me opt-out of Tonic for Soda due to sugar in the Tonic.  Well, I always refered to this drink as the Avery Special.  But you coulda have knocked us over last summer in Palm Springs when the bartender said, "Two Rose Kennedy's comin' up!"  Yes, that's what it's called (though no one, certainly in WeHo, knows this).  Seems that the Camelot Matriarch was watching her sugar intake too.

As I mentioned I'm very unmoved by entertainment of late.  So I'll tell you I'm loving "Dexter" (CBS Sundays) and I welcome the return of the trashy "Dirt" on FX.  

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Again, they're touted as the best vocalists ever on IDOL? If you're telling me that those girls did any performance better than Jen Hud, LaToya, Fantasia, Kelly, Tamyra, Carrie, Locke, Vonzelle, McPhee, Jordin? Hell, even Trynece and DeDe DeGarmo turned in better, consistent vocals than those chicks have in 2 weeks!? I think that Alexandrea and Ramiele still have potential and will be around, as will Carly. Asia's and her "All By Myself" was indeed too large of a song for a singer who also has potential. Syesha? Bye'isha! (Thanks Eric.) Singing "Me & Mrs. Jones?" Of all the 70's songs? It was so unmemorable I can only pick one sure thing, rocker Amanda and her Sweeny Todd 'do is NOT connecting w/ audiences and will be booted soon. And I like Heart but the 70's Heart?! I hate those songs! I like my 80's Heart. Don't hate! I mean, what did you expect!?

I hope that Penelope, opening Friday, is good. ReeCee Witherspoon and CiCi Ricci!? I have high hopes.

ABC is picking up According To Jim for an 8th season. No, you didn't read that wrong. On a similar note, those big-brained execs at NBC gave us Quarterlife the other night. Yawn. And they'll likely keep American Gladiators, Deal or No Deal, LipStick Jungle, Bionic Woman, America's Got Talent and My Dad is Better than Your Dad, while canceling the amazingly superior Friday Night Lights. I can't say enough about how wonderful this show is. If it goes, NBC got it wrong - and so did America for not tuning in. (I still think the show wasn't marketed to teens enough.)  While eye-candy like Taylor Kitsch (pictured) is worth it, the writing and acting is stellar.