Well, he was never gonna win but I thought that Stripper David H. deserved to be in the top 10 - most certainly over Baby Faith Hill, Kristy Lee (her looks, not voice). Even Paula said that she simply "didn't like it." I don't think Paula has ever said that!? So, let me comment on few other things: a 2nd Lennon/McCartney week? I hope they don't chug this theme out next year because between 3 hours of it this week, complete with a 18 song medley last night and 3 again next week, I think we'll be Beatle'd out. Paula stupidly said that this bottom 3 is the best she's ever seen. Really? Tell that to Jen Hud, 'Tasia, and LaToya! (Remember when those "Dreamgirls" were the low 3?) Kat McPhee (pic) looked STUNNING. She is simply one of the most gorgeous ladies around. And her voice is sweet and strong but I don't feel there's an "all around entertainer x-factor" there. And there was the ever-present/never-turn-down an invite David Foster. He said they're recording a album. Since she was dropped from RCA does that mean she's on David's 143/WB label?
I'll be testing the John Adams 8 week series on HBO starting this Sunday because (a) it's from Tom Hanks (b) Laura Linney's in it and (c) the book is highly acclaimed. But mostly because I hated history in school and always love learning things from bio movies.
Salaries aside, I think the Regis & Kelly talk show has a budget of $10,000 per show. And they probably go under that number daily. What a piece of crap. The sets, effects, triva games -- is it 1975!? The adorable Kel Rip deserves better.
Mariah's stepping in for a flu-ridden Janet on SNL this weekend. With Janet's flop and hard-knocks coming her way, I don't anticipate a tour coming to fruition for her unless, like Madonna did when American Life flopped, she simple goes on ReInvention tour of Greatest Hits. Someone might need to put JJ on depression-watch. A failed single for JJ (and the new one having no buzz), a lackluster reception for Maddy's song w/ Timberlake, and Mariah's "Touch" single becoming huge, it's safe to say, Mimi will take the diva crown this summer.
Even though Noriega annoyed the Hell out of me, and I'm glad to see him gone, I'm a little suspicious of his and David H's departures. Could it be the producers manupulating the numbers to get rid of their two most likely scanadlicious contestants? Noriega had that awful Christmas rant and Hernadez had the stripper deal, which on record the producers go on to say they don't care about, but then they're among the first ones out. David was by no means great, but come on, even Reba (who has done that kind of song) must have put in calls for the 11 else who didn't sing Eight Days A Week! ...at least 8 times each for a good margin...
noriega was on ellen...
why are flamers (including project runways christian) the new lesbian chic?
because they are hilar!
i will take 10 danny noriega's to one boring stripper
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